Social Media Management & Copywriting

Social Media Management & Copywriting
Timp de livrare: Până la 7 zile
Revizii maxime: 5
Tip de licență: Regulată

Your social media posts and your copy are more than just WORDS. Your readers want to know WHY you are doing business and how you can help them for real. Build brand awareness and drive loyalty to have more clients and a great conversion.

I love writing and managing social media accounts by a clear STRATEGY and make your ideas jump off the page to inspire your customers. My work is simple and succinct while giving your customers a creative experience that will inspire them to purchase.
While I might be the one behind the keyboard, my job is to help your VOICE come alive and make the best posts that your customer has ever seen.

What I do:
🔷️ Social media marketing
🔷️ Social media strategist
🔷️ Social media manager
🔷️ Facebook ads
🔷️ Copywriting
🔷️ Design logos, covers, e-books, banners

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.
-Charles Darwin

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